Addressing of the founders
Oleksandr Pedan
"Hello, I'm Oleksandr Pedan, co-founder of Junior NGO.
If you are here, then you also want Ukrainian children to be sporty, healthy and happy.
5 years ago, we created the "Junior" organization to prove to both parents and children that young people should be physically active and, despite all stereotypes, love and want to be active.
About us
We are convinced that every child in Ukraine should have free access to physical activity and sports games, so we work to ensure that physical education in school and extracurricular program is gender equal, team-based, non-contact, inclusive and as diverse as possible.
We are not focused on the sport of great achievements and professional awards. Our goal is to persuade you that any, even little physical activity is your personal daily achievement.
online physical education lessons held during the war
physical education teachers are involved in the Junior community
established records of Ukraine
participants gathered during our largest physical education lesson
Реквізити для підтримки:
Найменуван ня отримувача: ГО ДЖУНІОРС
Код одержувача: 41900705
Рахунок отримувача IBAN: UA513052990000026009006803045
Назва банку: АТ КБ «ПриватБанк»
Призначення платежу: Благодійний внесок на статутну діяльність